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Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.10411.0 官方最新版

2012/5/9 14:13:35 来源:IT之家 作者:HaLu 责编:黄幻凌

Microsoft Silverlight 不受浏览器和操作系统的限制,虽基于.NET,但不需要预装.NET框架,为网络带来新一代的媒体体验和丰富的交互式应用程序。Silverlight提供灵活的编程模型,并可以很方便地集成到现有的网络应用程序中。Microsoft Silverlight 可以对运行在 Mac 或 Windows 上的主流浏览器提供高质量视频信息的快速、低成本的传递。它支持跨平台跨浏览器,而且无论在哪里运行,都能提供一致的用户体验。

Microsoft Silverlight 播出视频及动画的效果很好,不会因为传输或播放大量内容而影响播放质量。这一问题是现有技术普遍遇到的障碍,同时也对消费者体验造成了巨大影响。另外,Microsoft Silverlight 读取数据及更新外观的时候,不会通过刷新整体页面来打断用户操作。

Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.10411.0 更新内容:

1.Fixes Security issue described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
  2636927 MS12-034: Description of the security update for Microsoft Silverlight: May 8, 2012 
2.Fixes an issue where “Best Effort” Silverlight Digital Rights Management Output Protection levels failed on some machines.
3.Fixed a failure to update OOB applications that are configured to use elevated trust when in browser.
4.Fixes an issue where persistent license acquisition would fail when a customer upgrades from Silverlight 4 to Silverlight 5.
5.Fixes an issue where certain character combinations can cause Silverlight application to crash.
6.Fixes an Access Violation described in the following Connect issue https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/719572
7.Fixes an issue where the SL5 plugin displays blank window after installing a font with a font name that starts with “&”.
8.Fixes an issue where moving a focus to TextBox or RichTextBox after moving a focus to ItemsControl causes IME to be disabled.
9.Fixes an issue where Silverlight would not play content which required Output Protection.
10.Fixes a Silverlight DRM issue where some customers encounter hardware ID mismatch errors which can only be resolved by re-individualization.

支持运行环境:Windwos XP/Vista/Windows7

Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.10411.0 官方下载:




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