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PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.203:优秀PDF阅读器

2012/6/21 9:52:07 来源:IT之家 作者:HaLu 责编:黄幻凌

PDF-XChange Viewer 是一款多功能的PDF阅读器,它完全免费,需安装.NET framework才能执行。具有丰富的标注功能、多页签显示、强大的导出图像功能、批量搜索、放大与导航功能。支持中文注释。

PDF-XChange Viewer 能够利用任何Windows的软件,比如说 Word、Excel、AutoCad来制作与Adobe相兼容的PDF文件。它具有丰富的配置和功能选项,而且非常的简单易用。它还能够当作打印机使用,以代替传统的纸质输出。

PDF-XChange Viewer 主要特点:

- 支持多分页浏览,将开启的文件产生缩图于一页,让你方便点选。
- 程序启动速度不慢,PDF 载入速度很快,就算是大文档也能很快载入。
- 可以显示中文文件。
- 可以加文字,加注解,画箭头,画线段,画多边形,还可以储存修改后的档案,不会加上浮水印。
- 可以将文件输出成图片。
- 可以自动检查更新.

关于语言的设置:Edit——Preferences——Language——Choose Custom Language——简体中文

PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.20~2.5.203 更新内容请点击这里具体查看~

Fixed issue with generating invalid digital signature.(2.5.203

Fixed handling of printerName property of PrintParams class.
support of callout property for annotation object. (T#1511)
Resolved issue with handling button form's fields with a non-stanand appearance. (T#1514)
Fixed some issues with time stamping. (T#1497)
Fixed issue with sequential scanning. (13254)
Fixed issues with importing non-standard stamps from FDF files. (T#1469, T#1418, T#1466)
Fixed issues with importing non-standard stamps from XFDF files. (13018)
Resolved an issue with placing rotated stamps. (T#1477)
Resolved issue with printing rotated content on PCL printers. (T#1471)
Resolved issue with bitonal J2K images. (T#1450)
Fixed lock up issue on Save with dynamic XFA forms. (12823)
Resolved issue with very slow getNthFieldName function in some cases. (9491)
Resolved an issue with text-alignment in AcroForm-comboboxes. (T#1427) (13011)
Resolved an issue with selecting the combo-items by keyboard. (T#1434)
Resolved an issue when running some JS-scripts. (T#1425) (12624)
Fixed issue with freezing of control after some [Alt]-key presses. (T#1298) (11856)
Fixed issue with handling of 'file://'-url in 'OpenURI' pdf-action. (T#1438)
Fixed issue with handling of 'document.ReadOnly' property for form-fields. (T#1449) (12904)
Fixed issue for support of TabletPC (and added hidden option to turn off support). (T#1445) (12716)
Resolved issue with highlighting of 'corresponding' bookmark in bookmarks-view. (T#1440)
Fixed issue with flashing of item in taskbar after loading an first document. (T#1429) (12633)
Resolved issue with ColorPicker's popup on multi-monitor configuration of desktop. (T#1487) (5200)
Resolved issue with text-lables in 'Zoom Level' dropdown-menu. (T#1499)
Implement setPageBoxes method of the document object. (12522)
Added support for undocumented password checking algorithm introduced in Adobe Acrobat X.
Added new feature - 'Remove Broken Recents at Startup' on 'Manage Recents...' dialog.
Added combobox on the 'Print' dialog to improving duplex-printing. (T#1516) (8042)
Add new 'Prepare' printing-event. (13039)
Enabled abilty to setting of custom shortcut for 'Online Search' tool-item. (T#1472) (13266)
Enabled mouse back-button support for 'In-Browser' mode. (T#1500) (13682)
Added new option to expand original ligatures on text copying. (12949)
Added new options to show/hide stamp-collections: prop. 'Commenting.HideStdStampsCollections', cmd. 'ShowStampsCollection'.
Added - write EOF char after end of PDF file marker to workaround Adobe's incremental update's issues. (13690)
Improved performance on saving document. (T#1486)
Improved rendering perfomance for large number of small images used CalRGB color space. (T#1460)
Added workaround to handle images with incorrect filters. (T#1457)
Changed toggle-by-shortcut behavior for 'Full Search' Pane. (T#1410) (12526)
Improved URL-recognition in plain text on the pages. (13806)

支持运行环境:Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8

PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.203 便携版 官方下载:




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